
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Our favorite batshit crazy Geraldo Rivera moments

There aren't too many things that both Perseus and the Sea Monster can agree upon, but we *adore* Geraldo Rivera.  We're not certain if it's the Snidely Wiplash moustache, tussling with hate group members, or the full-on bat shit crazy, but Geraldo definitely brings the WTF-ery to the table.  And this week when he let it slip he was 'in touch with some Republicans' and 'truly contemplating' a Senate run in New Jersey the whimsical fuckery hit a whole new level.  To celebrate this momentous occasion, we've decided to feature our favorite Geraldo Rivera moments.

One of his first television appearances was in Chicago, when he held up regularly scheduled programming for hours to sift through basement junk for The Mystery of Al Capone's Vault... only to find more junk.  This auspicious moment forever shaped his career. From there he went on to expose the ultimate American secret - satanic cultists are living among us.  It's a very well hidden secret, so well hidden, most people don't even know they're satanic cultists.  Actual figures on satanism hovers around 10,000 and claims of abuse are unsubstantiated, but please - don't let facts get in the way of a good story.

He earned his street-cred for awhile during the war in Afghanistan.  That is until, he reported eye-witnessing a friendly-fire incident first hand.  Except, he was 300-miles away at the time it happened.  And then he was ~ahem~ politely asked to leave the country by the 101st Airborne division when he broadcasted the battle tactics (handy map included!) for the following morning.  Soldiers are kinda sensitive about having their lives endangered.  To be fair, he has a bit of trouble reporting on military actions.  When Osama bin Laden was killed, Geraldo infamously said, "Obama is dead."  Can't make this up.

Out of my shot!  During Hurricane Katrina the New York Times alleged he pushed a rescue worker out of the way so he could assist a woman in a wheelchair while filming.  The New York Times published a retraction, but the story persists because people believe Geraldo is capable of doing it.

His cat fights are butter-popcorn-worthy.  Just take his epic spat with Michelle Malkin.  It ultimately caused Malkin to quit.  "It's good she's in D.C., and I'm in New York. I'd spit on her if I saw her." Spit on her?  First, Spitting is a nasty habit.  Second, if there was a fight, FOX would sell both tickets and commercial spots.  Somehow, I'm placing my money on Michelle.

Then there was the hoodie comment heard around the world.  Who is to blame for Trayvon Martin's death?  Now that's a loaded question, but there is room for an intelligent conversation about the night that took the poor young man's life.  However, of all the likely answers, Trayvon Martin's hoodie did not kill him.  Geraldo got this one wrong, but in true Geraldo fashion, his apology was spurious.

Would we like to see Geraldo run for the US Senate?  Hell yeahs! 

We know exactly who he works for and what motivates him.  He couldn't do much worse than what we've got now.  And let's face it, we haven't had as much fun in the Senate since Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond passed.  Those bastards were a hoot!

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